There are tons of ways to make money online. Most of them require a lot of continuous effort for little upside. To generate revenue is different. There are options out there for those willing to learn and put in the time and in turn, you will be rewarded continuously. Passive income or Fun Money is what I like to call it.
1. Wealthy Affiliate
Description: Wealthy Affiliate is an all-in-one business building platform that offers you everything you need build, grow and manage your businesses online. (A more detailed review of WA)
Price: Free or $359/year for premium members
2. Builderall
Description: A digital marketing, website builder/platform that offers an all-inclusive marketing tool dashboard that makes online success easier to achieve. (A more detailed review of Builderall)
Price: Free 7 Day Trial
$10/month – Website plan
$30/month – Digital Marketing Plan
$50/month – Builderall Business Plan
3. Jaaxy
Description: Jaaxy is the Worlds Most Advanced Keyword Tool Built for Internet Marketers. Use this tool to find the best and most profitable keywords available. (A more detailed review of Jaaxy)
Free 30 Searches – Starter Plan
$19/month – Pro Plan
$49/month – Enterprise Plan